Information for SWLU patients
The SWLU is dedicated to improving patient education, to help you better understand your liver condition. We continue to develop our own patient education material but have also included useful links to websites. There is further information available via the Peninsula Liver and Hepatobiliary Cancer Centre and also via our South West Liver Unit Facebook group.
Covid update
Please see the recent patient letter regarding important information about treatments for coronavirus (update 31/3/22) for higher risk liver patients (those with liver cirrhosis or requiring immunosuppression).
Patient Information Leaflets
General Liver Information (kindly the British Liver Trust have allowed us to use their leaflets)
- Alcohol brief advice
Autoimmune Hepatitis (BLT)
Budd Chiari Syndrome (BLT)
Cirrhosis (BLT)
Diet and Liver Disease (BLT)
Gilbert's Syndrome (BLT)
Haemochromatosis (BLT)
Hepatitis A (BLT)
Hepatitis B (BLT)
Hepatitis C (BLT)
Liver Cancer (BLT)
NAFLD: How you can reduce the risk for your liver and for other health issues (EASL)
Liver Related Medications
Liver Related Procedures
Useful Websites
General Liver Information
Digest This! (These videos are aimed mainly at health professionals and are therefore slightly technical, but are very informative)
National Patient Support Groups
Local Patient Support Groups
International & National Associations
Patient Questionnaires
Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Hepatology Service
Hepatitis C
The information and links provided here are provided with best intent. The SWLU will endeavour to keep the information up to date but would like patients to be aware that occasionally the advice may have changed to that provided. Universitiy Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust cannot take responsiblity for the material provided via the external links.