Uro-oncology support for all

Your Support worker is called Nicole who can listen to any non-medical worries or concerns and coordinate any additional help you could be entitled to. Nicole can help with concerns such as:

  • Financial

  • Practical

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual or religious

  • Family or Relationship

  • Lifestyle choices

  • Physical (however please note your support worker is  non-medical so may need to direct these concerns to the clinical team as required)

You can also print and complete a Holistic Needs Assessment form to discuss your concerns with your support worker. You can email, call or arrange a face-to-face appointment with your support worker.

Read about and download the Holistic Needs Assessments form

Support worker contact details

Available 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays)

Call 01752 431524

Email plh-tr.uro-oncologyspecialistnurses@nhs.net 


Cancer Support Centre

The Mustard Tree Macmillan Cancer Support Centre is available to anyone affected by cancer (at any stage of the illness). It offers a cosy and comfortable environment for patients, relatives and carers to share concerns, ask questions and access a range of support.

Find out about Mustard Tree services


Cancer support app 

MySunrise App is an award-winning free information resource designed specifically to support patients through their cancer treatment journey at their NHS Hospital. The App is free of charge as is downloadable for iOS and android. 

MySunrise provides a complete up-to-date information and reference tool for Cancer patients and their families, which guides and supports them through their cancer journey. It is complete with a whole range of videos, relevant links, cancer resources and contact information all specific to University Hospital Plymouth cancer centre. 

Anyone can download the app and then select the cancer that is specific to you or a loved one. 


Find cancer support services 

The Cancer Care Map is an online resource that aims to help you find cancer support services in your local area wherever you are in the UK. Cancer Care Map is run by The Richard Dimbleby Cancer Fund charity.

Visit Cancer Care Map


Accessing toilet facilities: Radar Key

We know how important it is for those with Bladder and Bowel conditions to be able to have access to toilet facilities whilst out and about.

You can purchase a RADAR key which will give you access to over 10,000 locked disabled toilets throughout the UK. These keys are used by approximately 400 local authorities.​

Find out more about RADAR keys

A Radar key can be purchased from:

  • The Tourist Information Centre, The Mayflower, 3-5 The Barbican

  • Shopmobility Lives, Mayflower East Carpark

  • Improving Lives, Ernest English House, Buckwell Street

When purchasing a key, relevant documentation of your diagnosis will need to be shown.

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