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A team at UHP helps enhance patient care thanks to breakthrough in anaemia treatment

staff members by world anemia day sign

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust is leading the way in innovative care for patients with anaemia, a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Thanks to the efforts of Antony Mitchell, Lead Pharmacist for Urgent and Emergency Care, Karla Purtill, Lead Nurse for Chronic Kidney Disease, and their teams, the Trust has introduced new approaches that are improving patient outcomes, reducing hospital visits, and streamlining care pathways.

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Critical incident declared at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Our Emergency Department is currently very full and if you do not have an emergency or life-threatening condition, you may be redirected to other healthcare services. These include NHS 111, our Urgent Treatment Centre at the Cumberland centre, and our Minor Injury Units at Kingsbridge and Tavistock. You may also be advised to use local pharmacies or to contact your GP.

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Derriford Hospital relocates Community Phlebotomy Hub to Windsor House, Tavistock Road from early February

a photo of a building which is named Windsor House

University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust’s Community Phlebotomy Hub, previously offered at Future Inns, will now move to Windsor House on Tavistock Road, Derriford, Plymouth in a move designed to enhance patient experience and streamline blood testing services. By transitioning to Windsor House, the Trust aims to provide a more accessible and convenient service for patients.

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