Research and Publications

Our department continues to work towards developing a strong research culture. We are already seeing the positive impact that engaging with research could have not only to an individual’s professional & personal development, but also for raising the profile of the department and the organisation.

In 2021, we successfully bid against 33 others (3 NHS Trusts were successful) to win a grant to fund an academic intern. In 2023/24, we took part in our second year of participating in the HEE clinical academic internship programme. 

We have pharmacy staff that are actively engaged in research and part of the South West Pharmacy Research Network. Here are some of our posters and publications:

SW Region NHSE WT&E Best Poster Award 2024: 

Joshua Fallon won best poster prize at this year's regional event held at Home Park on 10th July 2024. 

Josh was selected from a cohort of over 100 trainees within the southwest region. The judging panels consisted of NHSE WT&E delegates and a selection of pharmacists from across the SW region.  

Joshua Fallon's award winning poster[pdf] 252KB

Joshua Fallon holding his award


Outsanding Pharmacy Early-career Researcher Award (OPERA) 2024: 

This award aims to recognise and celebrate the work of researchers working within pharmacy who demonstrate potential to achieve world-leading status. This year amonst others, Anneka Mitchell, Specialist pharmacist for Healthcare for Older People was recognised. Find out more details and about her journey into research:


Clinical Pharmacy Congress LONDON, 10th & 11th May 2024: 

We presented 8 posters and abstracts of some our excellent work. 

Sofia Karmieh  & Ailene Barclay:   Compliance with Devon formulary for inhaler prescribing at Derriford Hospital.pdf [pdf] 143KB  POSTER.pdf [pdf] 876KB

Bev Harwood & Vivek Soni:   Biosimilar ranibizumab poster CPC May 2024 final.pdf [pdf] 345KB. This was also presented at the Plymouth Research and Development Health and Care Research Conference 3rd May 2024. 

Pamela Nyatanga, Vivek Soni & Kandarp Thakkar:  Development and implementation of transition training programme for EEA qualified pharmacists recruited here.pdf [pdf] 326KB

Lisa Girvin, Ailene Barclay, Kerry Dixon, Bev Harwood and Vivek Soni:  Implementing Robust Governance Processes to Effectively Manage Free of Charge Medicine Supplies at UHP.pdf [pdf] 853KB

Darashna Moodley, Karen Savva & Sharon Stone:  Introduction of a Medicines Management Competence Framework for Nurses.pdf [pdf] 530KB

Kerry Dixon, Bev Harwood & Vivek Soni:  NHSE Challenge Process Improvement Poster May 2024 CPC.pdf [pdf] 589KB

Siobhan Fahy & Ann Mason:  Reduction of Use of Plastic Overshoes within a cleanroom environment.pdf [pdf] 425KB  

Victoria Webb:  Supporting Community Pharmacist Independent Prescribing.pdf [pdf] 4MB . This was the poster winner and  was also presented at the Plymouth Research and Development Health and Care Research Conference 3rd May 2024. 


Research Grants and Clinical Research 

May 2023- May 2024 - NIHR-HEE Postdoctoral bridging award  to one of our pharmacists, who is working  1 day a week on a study. The study is using routinely collected healthcare data to evaluate prescribing of drugs that increase falls risk in people who are newly diagnosed with dementia including their association with falls post dementia diagnosis. 

May 2024 for 2 years: NIHR Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research award . The SCPRA is to complete a Health Services Modelling Associates course to improve  data science and operational research skills. This will also have secondments with the University of Exeter and Research Institute for Care of Older people in Bath. 

UK AR study: One of our pharmacists is a principal investigator of this study 


Devon Teach and Treat Pilot 

Victoria Webb is the Independent Prescribing Clinical Lead and Strategic Lead for Devon Teach & Treat Pilot. The Teach and Treat Pilot was set up in May 2023 to enable and support community pharmacists to upskill and become independent prescribers. In Sept 2023, 11 community pharmacists started their prescribing qualification. 

Vicky presented a poster summarising the output of hers and the Devon Teach and Treat steering group at the South West Pharmacy Research Network Innovation Day hosted by University of Bath on the 18th October 2023. Devon Teach and Treat poster.pdf[pdf] 907KB

Devon Teach and Treat accessible poster content.pdf[pdf] 287KB

Winter 2024 PM Healthcare Journal: Trainee Independent Prescriber Supervision for Community Pharmacists in Devon - A novel approach 


Healthcare Of Older People 

Anneka Mitchell worked with T.J Welsh to summarise the evidence for deprescribing alpha-blockers and centrally acting antihypertensives in older people at risk of falls and to assist clinicians in deciding how to safely de-prescribe these agents. Centrally acting antihypertensives and alpha-blockers in people at risk of falls: therapeutic dilemmas—a clinical review

Anneka Mitchell and Yasmin Elmasry worked with Eveline van Poelgeest and Tomas Welsh to summarise the existing knowledge on the benefits of anticoagulants, and adverse events associated with falling whilst taking these medications, to assist clinicians in decisions on safe prescribing and deprescribing of anticoagulants. Anticoagulant use in older persons at risk for falls: therapeutic dilemmas—a clinical review

Anneka Mitchell, J Snowball, T J Welsh and others Safety of direct oral anticoagulants vs. warfarin for people aged over 75 with atrial fibrillation


Urgent and Emergency Care 

Odran Farrell and Antony Mitchell presented "Poisonings: What happens after A&E" at the Clinical Pharmacy Congress on 13th May 2022. The duo subsequently published " Management of poisonings: the pharmacist's role" in the Pharmaceutical Journal on 19th May 2023. 

A.G. Sinclair, A Mitchell, S. Bhagwanji  Assessing the impact on workflow of placing a Pharmacy team in an emergency department (ED)


General Pharmacy Medicine 

Andrea Losbanes and Anneka Mitchell  reviewed How good the team at UHP are at preventing nicotine withdrawal in patients and presented their findings at the Clinical Pharmacy Congress, 12 to 13 May 2023 Andrea Losbanes and Anneka Mitchell

A G Sinclair, J Ellick, M Kehoe, L Hall, K Lamb, A Norman and M D Jones Service evaluation of the efficiency of moving discharge medicine request screening from the dispensary to hospital wards over a two-year period  


Clinical Commissioning and High Cost Drugs 

Kerry Dixon presented her improvement project Homecare Prescription and Invoice Management Improvement Poster  at the Clinical Pharmacy Congress, 12 May 2023



Mo (Jonah) Kwok, Katie L Heard, Anthony May and others Health outcomes of penicillin alllergy testing in children 

M Rela, D Peberdy, K Heard, R FokE-Prescribing and Smart Antimicrobial Stewardship in Upper Limb Infections 


Strategy and Workforce

Kandarp Thakkar shared his views at the 2023 UKCPA conference

Vivek Soni  How to write a business case for a new pharmacy service.

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