Neurosurgery Contacts

If you have queries regarding MRI appointments, please use the following contact details:

  • GP X-Ray Appointments, 01752 437187 
  • Ultrasound Appointments, 01752 439287
  • MRI Appointments, 01752 439283


Neurosurgery Consultants

Mr Titus Berei

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Lauren Parsons: 01752 439305
Medical Secretary: Katie Burns 01752 439494


Mr Paul Fewings

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Anne Pengelly: 01752 439381
Medical Secretary: Samantha Rowe: 01752 430225


Mr Tim Germon

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Anne Pengelly: 01752 439381
Medical Secretary: Samantha Rowe: 01752 430225


Mr Sam Jeffery

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Anne Pengelly: 01752 439381
Medical Secretary: Samantha Rowe: 01752 430225


Mr Andrew Manning

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Lauren Parsons: 01752 439305
Medical Secretary: Natasha Burroughs 01752 437757


Mr Sam Muquit

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Tina O'Farrell: 01752 437667
Medical Secretary: Maddy Roffey: 01752 431330


Mr James Palmer

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Tracey Manser: 01752 432271
Medical Secretary: Sarah Carlisle: 01752 437686


Mr Himanshu Sharma

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Tina O'Farrell: 01752 437667


Mr Nagarajan Sudhakar

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Jeanne Weeden: 01752 431114
Medical Secretary: Kirstie Tychyna: 01752 432567


Professor Peter Whitfield

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Jeanne Weeden: 01752 431114
Medical Secretary: Kirstie Tychyna: 01752 432567


Mr Tim Woodacre

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Tracey Manser: 01752 432271
Medical Secretary: Sarah Carlisle: 01752 437686


Mr Ramanan Sivakumaran

Speciality Co-Ordinator: Tracey Manser: 01752 432271
Medical Secretary: Sarah Carlisle: 01752 437686

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