What happens after your operation?
You wake up in the recovery room. One of the nurses will be with you and your parents/carers will come to see you as soon as you are properly awake.
The nurse will make sure that you are feeling OK after your anaesthetic and operation or test. Sometimes people feel a bit sore or even a bit sick after an operation or test. If you do feel sore or a sick then the nurse will give you some medicine to make you feel better. Sometimes this medicine goes into the tiny tube in your hand.
You can usually have something to eat or drink as soon as you feel like it.
If you are going home on the same day as your operation then you will need to wait for a little while after you wake up before you go home. The nurses will make sure that you are feeling OK before you. Once you get home it is important to rest and take any medicine that your parents or carers might give you.
Sometimes you need to stay in hospital after an operation – if you do then you will go to one of the wards on level 12 – called Woodcock or Wildgoose. A parent or carer can usually stay with you on the ward.