
Epilepsy is having reoccurring, unprovoked seizures. 1 in 100 people will have epilepsy. They will take many forms and are individual to that person.

To get to see us you will need a referral from your Consultant, GP, or other medical professional.

Opening times

Please be aware we are not a 24hrs emergency service.

  • 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Not open on bank holidays.

How we can help with you and your Epilepsy

Areas in which we provide help and information include:

  • Helping you understand your epilepsy
  • Living with epilepsy – all aspects
  • Treatments of epilepsy including medication management, side effects, interactions, changes.
  • safety and first aid (rescue medications, assessment, and management of SUDEP risk)
  • transition from child to adult services
  • women’s health and pregnancy
  • driving and bus passes (if entitled)
  • support with employment
  • support with applying for benefits.
  • Information and sign posting for dissociative seizures
  • Sodium valproate risk acknowledgement annual review
  • And support for family and friends, reducing the myths and so much more.

We provide

  • Face to Face appointments
  • We provide telephone clinics
  • We respond to emails and phone calls, to provide help and support.
  • We can visit the ward/emergency department, when needed
  • We have dedicated clinics for Vagal Nerve Stimulators and Transition from child to adult services.
  • We provide bespoke training and education within the clinic for families and friends.
  • Support, information, and advice for other professionals
  • We provide appropriate bespoke care plans for patients with epilepsy and those needing emergency medications

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