Specialist Familial Nervous System Tumour Service

The following clinics run under this umbrella service:

  • Neurofibromatosis (formerly known as Neurofibromatosis type 1)
  • NF2 related Schwannomatosis  (Formerly known as Neurofibromatosis Type 2)
  • Schwannomatosis (other)

These diagnoses are genetic disorders that cause multiple tumours to grow throughout the nervous system. It effects people differently and there is no cure. The disorders are a multifaceted with a complex spectrum of phenotypes and clinical manifestations. The team provides care and recommendations for the physical, behavioural, emotional, and social communication within this patient group.

Our service

The Specialist Familial Nervous System Tumour Service encompasses the delivery of clinics for the Highly Specialist Service for NF2 related Schwannomatosis Service. It also delivers specialist services and management for Schwannomatosis (other), Neurofibromatosis, multiple meningiomas undergoing investigation and other nervous system tumour disorders. The team has clinical specialists within the service and works in conjunction with may service lines in Derriford and further afield.

The Specialist Familial Nervous System Tumour Service has close working links with other specialist teams thought the UK.

The team’s administration office is based at Derriford Hospital on Level 9. Our services span the counties of Devon and Cornwall.  The Adult clinics are delivered from Derriford Hospital, in person and remote. The service also supports the periphery paediatric Neurofibromatosis clinics throughout the Peninsular area.

Our team

The Team encompasses of a Multidisciplinary team for the NF2 related Schwannomatosis consisting of a Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, ENT, Specialist Nurse/ Specialist AHP, administration and clinic coordinators, Genetics Consultant, Genetics Counciler, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Ophthalmology, Audiology, Hearing Therapy, Oncology.

The Neurofibromatosis team includes Neurologist, Specialist Nurse, Specialist AHP, admin/clinic coordination. This service spoke works alongside paediatricians and works closely with many services across primary and secondary health care, schools social care, specialist charities and other services dependent on and individuals need.

Contact details


01752 430136

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