Guidance on how to manage patients with Parkinson's in an emergency situation. Professionals who don’t see people with Parkinson's day-to-day may find this especially useful. Download Emergency management of patients with Parkinson's guide
This booklet is for hospital staff. It tells you everything you need to know about Parkinson's, and how to provide the highest quality care for your patients. Download the caring for your patient with Parkinson's booklet
Parkinson's medications are time-critical and must be given within 30 mins of prescribed time to ensure your patient’s symptoms are controlled and avoid unnecessary harm and distress for your patient.
Read a Q&A: the importance of getting Parkinson's medication on time
Parkinson's Care Plan
We've developed a care plan for the MDT to help manage patients with Parkinson's during their hospital inpatient stay. Read our Parkinson's inpatient care plan UHP 2024.pdf[pdf] 177KB
Blood pressure and pulse
It is important you complete a Lying and Standing BP when able and monitor for neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension (nOH)
Monitor and manage constipation
Swallowing difficulties
Guidance to help you ensure your patients with Parkinson’s Disease are able to get the most from their medicines if they develop swallowing difficulties.
Screening swallowing problems in Parkinson's - nurse in charge / ward staff guide from Parkinson's Excellence Network.
Read Parkinson’s disease medicines in swallowing difficulties
Optimally medicated
The OPTIMAL Calculator has been developed for clinical staff to ensure people with Parkinson’s are optimally medicated in the event they are unable to safely swallow their regular oral Parkinson’s medications
View the guideline and OPTIMAL Calculator
Rotigotine (Neupro) transdermal patch placement tracker
Find further information relating to Parkinson's medications.