Nuclear Medicine

Image of a scanner Nuclear Medicine at Derriford is the largest such department in the South West, with tertiary referrals from across the Peninsula. 

It has 4 gamma cameras (including SPECT/CT), a MHRA-licensed radiopharmacy and dedicated medical and physics support. The full range of diagnostic procedures (imaging and non-imaging) is offered, together with thyroid clinics. There is shared access to a single treatment room on Brent ward for an increasing range of radioisotope treatments. 

The department provides administrative and medical support to the national PET/CT contract. We also support a wide range of research trials.

Predominantly outpatient-based. Open weekdays 8am until 5.30pm. Continuous medical cover for ad-hoc reporting and advice.

Contact us

  • Reception 01752 430222
  • Secretaries 01752 432514 or 01752 432515
  • PET Scan Appointments 01752 430234 or 01752 430235

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