Review Status

Reviewed December 2024
This page will be updated June 2025

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance 

The directorate aims to give the highest quality of service and various parts of the service are accredited and/or regulated by UKAS, JACIE, HTA and MHRA.

UKAS Accreditation and Tests

All three laboratories at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust are accredited to the  International Standard ISO 15189:2012 Medical Laboratories – requirements for quality and competence;

Microbiology (Serology and Bacteriology): UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 8050.

Cellular and Anatomical Pathology, (Including Histology, Cytology, Neuropathology and Mortuary):   UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 9881.

Combined Laboratory: Coagulation, Biochemistry (Automated & Special Investigations), , Immunology (Diagnostic and Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics), Transfusion Laboratory:  UKAS accredited medical laboratory No. 9088.

The Schedules of Accreditation can be found here:

Schedule of Accreditation Microbiology 8050.pdf

Schedule of Accreditation: Combined Laboratory 9088.pdf

Schedule of Accreditation Cellular & Anatomical Pathology 9881.pdf


‘Non-accredited’ tests

As a dynamic pathology service, that continually seeks to improve for the benefits of patients, there are a number of tests and processes that are being developed or amended between accreditation visits. Until they have been ratified by the annual UKAS assessment process, these new/amended tests/processes are not covered by the current schedules of accreditation. However, our users should be assured that the laboratories subject these tests to the same high level of quality assurance protocols to those that are UKAS accredited.

List of currently non-accredited_.pdf [pdf] 245KB


External Quality Assurance programmes

All laboratories participate in recognised External Quality Assurance schemes and regular Internal Quality Control checks.

Non-Accredited Test List.pdf [pdf] 479KB

Incidents and Complaints

All incidents and complaints are investigated and subsequent corrective and preventative actions are introduced where needed. Internally any complaints received are shared and discussed at a Departmental and Directorate management meetings.

See individual laboratory details for following the complaints process or contact the Quality Team via the Contact Pathology page.

Non-Accredited Test List .pdf [pdf] 479KB

Quality Assurance Contacts

If you have any questions regarding quality assurance, please contact

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