How to find and contact us

How to find us

The Specialist Mechanical Workshop is located in the Estates Building at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. 

For directions to Derriford Hospital please click here

From the traffic lights on the main road outside the hospital main entrance hospital main entrance, head down the hill towards the incinerator chimney which will be on your left hand side. 

Just past the chimney and the entrance to Derriford Waste Management,  you will find a brown brick building on your left which is shared with the blood donor unit. Continue down past the entrance to the blood donor unit, over the zebra crossing.  To your immediate left you will find the workshop on the ground floor. 

We are less than one minute by foot from the royal eye infirmary entrance! 

Please note that vehicles must be parked in one of the adjacent paying car parks – or please ask the workshop for a temporary permit to park in one of the two non-hashed zones outside the entrance for drop offs. 

Image of Specialist Mechanical Workshop on the map

How to contact us

In the first instance please direct all enquiries to:
Andrea Carpenter
Specialist Mechanical Workshop
Estates Building
Derriford Hospital
PL6 8DH 

Telephone: 01752 430989

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