Gynae-Oncology CNS Team

Your Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) are:

Nikki Calder — Lead Gynae Oncology CNS

Stephanie Tunniclif — Gynae Oncology CNS

Debbie Wills — Support Worker


Your Gynae-Oncology specialist nurse is available to support you and your family from your diagnosis (this may also be from when you have a suspected gynaecological cancer) and throughout your treatment and beyond. The CNS is a highly qualified and experienced nurse who has specialised in the care and support of patients with a suspected or confirmed gynaecological cancer and who work very closely with the doctors involved in your care. You will have been given a lot of information and our role is to clarify any areas you may be confused about and provide a contact link for all aspects of your oncology care. This includes:


  • Helping you and your family understand the treatment and care you will receive.
  • Helping you make decisions about your care.
  • Answering any questions you may have.
  • Helping you talk about the things you feel are important to you
  • Co-ordinating your care from diagnosis to treatment and through to follow up care.


The CNS can provide information, support and advice for patients, their family and carers. This service covers areas such as:


  • The different types of gynaecological cancers.
  • Support and someone to listen to your concerns.
  • Investigations, surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • Discussion of the treatment options.
  • Offer support and advice on symptom control.
  • Coping after treatment.
  • A link to other professionals and services.

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