Occupational Therapy Out-patient Service


In order to ensure the appropriate and timely delivery of care, all referral requests to the department are processed and prioritised according to clinical need. 

Patients referred for treatment are invited to contact the department in order to arrange a convenient time and location that suits them. Through patient choice, non-attendance has been reduced, helping to increase the departmental efficiency. 

We accept referrals from consultants and other health professionals including nurse practitioners and physiotherapists.

Please bring all the splint or braces you have been provided to the appointment.



The University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust Occupational Therapy Out-patient Service is staffed by experienced therapists in trauma Hand Therapy and Rheumatology


We are able to offer a range of treatment options tailored to the needs of the patient. These include:

  • Splinting.
  • Hand Therapy and mobilisations.
  • Education on Joint Protection.


The Outpatient Occupational Therapy Service only accepts referrals from Derriford Consultants

What will happen after referral?

Referrals will be reviewed by our Occupational Therapy Team to ensure all relevant parts of the forms have been completed; we will then clinically categorize the referral to identify urgent cases, routine or inappropriate.

OT Department in Derriford don’t accept Self–Referral or GP Referrals


For the convenience of the service users we staff 5 sites around the city where patients can choose to have their physiotherapy treatment undertaken.

These are:

  • Derriford Hospital, Zone E, Level 7    
  • Liskeard Hospital – Rheumatology Out-patients Only
  • Tavistock Hospital – Rheumatology Out-patients Only
  • Kingsbridge Hosptial – Rheumatology Out-patients Only

All departments can be contacted through main Occupational Therapy Department on 01752 432220


We recognise the importance of working closely the Consultants, Multi-Disciplinary Team and service users. We endeavour to maintain effective communication in order to deliver an effective service.

We strive to maintain a high level of service and welcome any comments regarding our department in order that we may continue to meet the needs of all users and commissioners.


We are always interested in having feedback from our service users so that we can constantly improve our service. 

We have Family & Friends Questionnaires available in the Reception area and would be sent to you electronically if you have provided us with an e-mail address. 

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