How to refer to the SWLU

Local referrals

All local patients with general hepatology problems should be referred via the Devon Referral Support Services form. Guidance is available on the South & West Devon Formulary and Referral page. 

Please ensure pre-referral criteria, if applicable, are contained within the referral letter as referrals may be returned if not. 


For patients with painless jaundice that is not suspicious for malignancy please refer via the Fast track jaundice form, which is available on the South & West Devon Formulary and Referral page.


All local patients with a suspected pancreas / biliary / liver tumour should be referred via the Upper GI Two Week Wait system, which is available on the South & West Devon Formulary and Referral page.


Tertiary referrals

For hepatology referrals please provide a written referral that can be emailed directly to our consultants or via our secretaries using the email:

For tertiary patients in whom a diagnosis of HPB cancer has already been made then a written referral can be e-mailed directly to our consultants for surgical / MDT opinion and or discussion before referral via the video-link MDT. 


SWLU sign post

Contacting the HPB Surgical Unit

Office hours
Consultants can be contacted via their secretaries, or via switchboard if urgent. Secretaries can answer most queries regarding existing appointments and booked investigations. 

Out of hours
A consultant surgeon is always available out of hours, and can be contacted via the switchboard or on-call general surgical registrar.


Contacting the Hepatology Unit

Office hours
Consultants can be contacted via their secretaries, or via switchboard if urgent. Secretaries can answer most queries regarding existing appointments and booked investigations. 

Out of hours
A consultant is always available out of hours, and can be contacted via the switchboard if urgent.


Contact Numbers

Hepatology Service

Prof Cramp  / Dr Sheridan’s Secretary: 01752 432722

Dr Smith / Dr Acevedo’s Secretary:  01752 432723

Dr L Vine’s Secretary: 01752 432725

Dr K Fagan’s Secretary: 01752 430194

Hepatology Nurse Specialists Secretary: 01752 431320

Alcohol Liaison Service: 01752 439963

Oncall Bleep / NTN: 81652 / 81726


HPB Service

Surgical Secretaries: 01752 432071




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