Contact details

Clinical nurse specialists

  • Jodie Prynn
  • Glynis Sanderson

Secretary: Ruby-Joan O’Neill, 01752 438168

Freedom Unit

01752 433069


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Directions and Parking for Derriford Hospital Lithotripsy Suite

The Lithotripsy Suite at Derriford Hospital is in zone C, level 2, in the Freedom Unit which is situated at the back of the hospital. The most direct way to get to us is via the main entrance on level 6, use the main lifts down to level 2 where the new patient entrance to the Freedom Unit is situated. Alternatively, there is public access from within the hospital at level 3.

There is a multi-storey car park, alternatively, there is a car park with limited parking around the back of the hospital sign posted “discharge lounge and MRI T3 parking”, patients having lithotripsy may park here during their treatment but will need to obtain a parking sign from lithotripsy to use these spaces.

More information about parking at the Derriford site here.

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