Innovation team
The team consists of Healthcare scientists including HCPC registered Clinical Scientists and Radiographers, and admin
for Healthy Bones.
The group is led by Dr Mike Mayo, who has a background in NIR / Imaging physics and also acts as the lead Training Coordinator for the Plymouth/Truro/Exeter training consortium for the National School of Healthcare Science STP & HSST programmes.
Jamie Roberts & Dr Abdelmalek Benattayallah are physicists supporting MRI (along with Professor Peter Wright, Director of HCST) and also with an interest in scientific computing.
Jenny Evans leads the Healthy Bones service (with active links with the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS).
Brian Doherty MBA who has expertise in Computing, Robotics, Process Control, Quality Control and Business Engineering and leads the HCST critical IT systems & databases project support team.