C. difficile (Clostridioides difficile)

Issue: May 2024
Review: May 2026
Ref.: A-622/HD/Infection Control/Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile)

PDF Version: Clostridioides difficile.pdf[pdf] 186KB

What is Clostridioides difficile?

Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that can live in the gut of 2-3% of adult population. It rarely causes problems in healthy people.

How did I get C. difficile?

It is not always clear why a patient has C. difficile. However, some treatments, including some antibiotics, disturb the balance of bacteria in the gut. C. difficile can then multiply rapidly and produce toxins which cause diarrhoea.

C. difficile can be transferred by:

  • Person to person via the hands

  • Faecal contamination of equipment, which you then touch

  • Faecal contamination of environment, which you then touch

Who is at risk?

All patients are at risk, but some are more vulnerable than others.

Patients with diarrhoea should be nursed in a single room. This reduces the risk to other patients.

How can we stop the spread?

  • The simplest most effective measure in preventing the spread is washing hands using water and soap

  • We are happy for you to ask staff whether they have washed their hands

  • We need to send a stool (faecal) sample if you have diarrhoea.

  • We will ensure appropriate antibiotics are prescribed

  • Staff should wear an apron and sometimes gloves when in the room

  • Cleaning will be increased

What can you do?

  • Wash your hands with water and soap after going to the toilet and before and after eating

  • If you are being nursed in a single room, it is important that you follow the instructions given

  • Ensure that prescribed antibiotics are taken

What does it mean for you and your family?

Visitors will normally be allowed but must follow any instructions given.

You may need to complete antibiotics after you have been discharged from hospital.

Further Information

More information about Clostridioides difficile: guidance, data and analysis

Contact details

Infection Prevention and Management

01752 432115

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