
The Anaesthetic department at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust is a large but friendly department which supports most directorates within the hospital with either general anaesthesia, local anaesthesia or sedation services. The Trust also has commitments at Tavistock Hospital, the Peninsula Treatment Centre and the Glenbourne Unit for which the department provides its services.

The department compromises 61 consultants, 10 SAS doctors (senior non consultant anaesthetists) and 48 trainee anaesthetists. The department is supported by excellent dedicated anaesthetic administration staff and every week day we have a nominated duty floor anaesthetist who is the first point of contact for clinical and non clinical matters related to the day to day workings of the department.

Derriford Hospital is a tertiary referral hospital and a major trauma centre and because of this the Anaesthetic department needs to provide anaesthesia for a wide range of specialities, some of which are explained in these pages.

The department is very proud to provide comprehensive training in all of the specialities for trainee anaesthetists and has a very good record in postgraduate examination success.  There are also very close links with the Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine & Dentistry, where doctors in training can spend attachments with the department.

We have a very active research department with many excellent peer reviewed publications and the participation in a number of multinational and multicentre trials.  The trainee anaesthetists in the region also have an exceptional research network, named SWARM, which is explained in more detail in the research pages.

The department is also an early adopter of anaesthetic pre-assessment for all specialties, with a comprehensive clinic where patients with complex needs are assessed and evaluated with exercise testing.

We are also lucky to have an excellent allergy testing service and simulation suite which are used throughout the region.

To contact the department please phone 01752 439205.

Service Line Lead:

Dr Justine Elliot
Anaesthetic Department
Level 9
Terrence Lewis Building
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Derriford Road

01752 439203/439205

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