Allergy Testing

Two consultant Anaesthetists provide an Allergy Service  to follow up patients who experience an anaphylaxis during anaesthesia. We have provided this service for the last 13 years and have experience in skin prick testing and intradermal testing.

We work closely with our immunology colleagues on the Eden Unit and once we have excluded the anaesthetic drugs will refer patient onto the immunologists to exclude other perioperative agents such as antibiotics. We often communicate over complex patients and have a good working relationship.

We are currently in the process of hopefully providing a combined service and moving our anesthetic services to the Eden Unit to provide a more comprehensive service for patients which will also benefit our shared experience. As our referral base has expanded due to increasing demand we now take referrals from around the peninsula and are listed on the AAGBI website. We also take referrals from dentists and GPs for patients with potential local anesthetic allergies.

Please click on this link for information about The Eden Unit.

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