Research Work Instructions
Research work instructions should be used with our templates. View the research templates.
Research work instructions should be used with our templates. View the research templates.
WI 001 - Making up a new Source Data (SD) folder for a new trial patient V1.1.pdf [pdf] 219KB
WI 002 - Note Managment and tracering within Oncology Trials V1.1.pdf [pdf] 241KB
WI 003 - Expenses process for all staff V1.2.pdf [pdf] 179KB
WI 004 - The administration of the consent process.pdf [pdf] 222KB
WI 005 - Protected managment time duties and responsibilities .pdf [pdf] 128KB
WI 006 - Booking a scan.pdf [pdf] 132KB
WI 007 - Process when a patient is referred V1.1.pdf [pdf] 127KB
WI 008 - Process to screen a patient V1.1.pdf [pdf] 129KB
WI 009a - Apendix A EOI email to be sent to Investigator.pdf [pdf] 390KB
WI 009a - Appendix B List of sub-specialty leads for each Tumour site.pdf [pdf] 390KB
WI 009b - Study Set up (Feasibility).pdf [pdf] 126KB
WI 009c - Appendix A MPE submission form V8 27.11.2018.pdf [pdf] 466KB
WI 009c - Appendix B Internal Authorisation Form V5.0 10Oct17.pdf [pdf] 311KB
WI 009c - Appendix C DIQ Impact assesment form Oncology V1.5 FINAL.pdf [pdf] 564KB
WI 010- Appendix A -Room bookings - contact details.pdf [pdf] 399KB
WI 010 - Site Initiation Visit (SIV) preperation.pdf [pdf] 133KB
WI 011 - Management of Amendments.pdf [pdf] 130KB
WI 012 - creating a site file for non commercial studies.pdf [pdf] 129KB
WI 013 - Booking Chemotherapy slots.pdf [pdf] 127KB
WI 014 - Requesting a scan.pdf [pdf] 131KB
WI 015 - Nurse in charge duties.pdf [pdf] 130KB
WI 016 - Drug Request List.pdf [pdf] 134KB
WI 017 - Prepping of paperwork for patient visit.pdf [pdf] 135KB
WI 020 - Creating a SD visit checklist.pdf [pdf] 152KB
WI 021 - Running a research clinic.pdf [pdf] 135KB
WI 022 - Delegation Log Management.pdf [pdf] 129KB
WI 023 - Data entry for data mangers.pdf [pdf] 218KB
WI 024 - Planning for a monitoring visit.pdf [pdf] 131KB
WI 025 - Tissue sampling histopathology.pdf [pdf] 134KB
WI 026 - Somerset Cancer Register.pdf [pdf] 194KB
WI 027 - Assesment of trial complexity.pdf [pdf] 127KB
Writing a Note to Study File.pdf [pdf] 333KB
Scanning Research Documents for Archive.pdf [pdf] 565KB
Electronic Signatures.pdf [pdf] 614KB