Specialist Nurse/Key Worker Role
You will have a clinical specialist nurse(CNS)/key worker. We work closely with the team of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals within the hospitals and community services, across the South West Peninsula.
We are a team of Qualified Registered General Nurses. We are here to support you and those close to you throughout your diagnosis, tests and treatments and beyond.
Our role is to be easily accessible in order to;
- Help co-ordinate your care during diagnosis to treatment, through to follow up care
- Be a familiar face who can provide;
- support for patients and their families
- information on tests, investigations and treatment options
- support and advice on symptom control
- information and education about your illness or diagnosis
- provide a link to other professionals and support services
Often when leaving hospital you may think of things you should have asked or wish to have things explained further. We are available to help at this time.
With your permission, we are also available to speak to your spouse, partner or family. They may have their own questions about your care.
Our service covers Monday to Friday, (excluding bank holidays) 0900-1530. There is an answer machine for you to leave a message if we are out of the office. The answer machine is checked throughout the day and we aim to respond to your call within 24 hours. If you have an urgent medical concern, then please contact your GP or dial 999 for an ambulance.