Meet the Matrons

We actively encourage patients, carers, and families to engage with your matron as a point of contact for when you want to talk about things that have gone well, and about any issues you may have spotted during your stay that could be improved.

We would encourage you in the first instance to discuss this on the ward when visiting or phoning, and ask to speak with the ward manager or matron – this helps to identify things early. However, if you rather have a dedicated time to talk to the matron, or you have reflected on your stay after leaving the hospital, we can help you do just that.

Contact us today


How #MeetTheMatron could be of help to you

If you feel that talking to a matron face to face (online at present) is for you, rather than communicating over email or the phone, please fill out the information form below which will help us put you in contact with the correct matron. Please detail as much of what you would like to discuss as you can. Things you might want to talk to your matron about:

  • “I want to give praise or positive feedback for a recent stay” - this could be about an individual, a team, or a general comment about the service you received. We want to hear about this as much as possible. We also have our ‘Say Thank You’ scheme where our staff will receive a thank you card.
  • “I noticed something that would be worth feeding back to the teams on the ward” – this could be when you see something that would have improved a part of your experience or helped you understand what was happening during your stay
  • “I am not happy with something, I need to speak to somebody” – this could relate to a specific experience or something that is directly affecting your care in the hospital. Please tell us.


Things that our matron won’t be in a position to talk to you about, but you can raise with our PALS team, are:

  • “I have a question about my appointment booking/I want to make changes to my appointment/I did not attend (DNA) my appointment”
  • “I want to ask about updates to the waiting list I am on” – this could relate to the need to confirm that you are on a waiting list or understand how long it will take for you to receive treatment. Please refer to the contact details given in your correspondence from the hospital to identify the correct point of contact.
  • “I have questions about my referral to treatment time” – this could relate to a referral performed by your GP or a specialist to another specialist service for treatment. Please contact the team who referred you in this instance.
  • “I have questions about some community services” - some services that operate in the hospital do not belong to UHP such as those associated with Primary Care and Mental Health Services. Please ensure that you contact your GP or our community partners for these.
  • General updates from the medical team – this can be arranged through your consultant’s secretary or, if you are currently admitted to hospital, through the nurse in charge in the Ward you are admitted to.


Why this is important

Our matrons want to continue to be at the forefront of improving the quality and experience of patients and families – learning from what works well and be able to intervene earlier when things aren’t going well to be able to resolve early concerns. Through your feedback (positive feedback is so important for the way our teams work and learn, we are not often good at asking for this!), our matrons are at the forefront of quality for ward-based communication. Thank you.

Meet the Matrons


Surgery Matrons


image of Matron Cath

Cath Allen

Plastics, Urology, Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), Dermatology, Chronic Pain and Dental Specialities

Chestnut Unit, Dental Outpatient Department (OPD), Dermatology OPD, Discharge Lounge, ENT OPD, Lyhner

image of the matron, sue clemow, smiling

Sue Clemow

Colorectal, Hepatobiliary, Oesophageal-Gastric, General & Emergency Surgery

Stonehouse and Wolf wards, Surgical Assessment Unit (SAU), Stoma Team, Pelvic Floor Nursing Service, Bariatric Nursing Service, NELA CNS

Sue Timmins

Sue Timmins

Trauma and Orthopaedics

Bantham, Sharp and Shaugh wards, Orthopaedic Outpatients , Fracture Clinic, Rheumatology,

matron sue johnson

Sue Johnson

Postbridge, Pre-assessment, Main Recovery, Main Outpatients Department and Interventional Radiology (IR)

Main Outpatients, Main Recovery, Pre-Assesment, IR nursing, Postbridge 23hr Stay, Professional Support for ACPs, Inpatient Pain Service, Vascular Access, Tavistock 

matron sarah pickborne

Sarah Pickbourne

Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular and Neurosurgery

Erme ward, Moorgate major trauma ward, Discharge lounge.

matron judy frame

Judy Frame

Cricital Care

Pencarrow and Penrose wards, Acute Care Team (DA service)

image of the matron, charlie hennah, smiling

Charlie Hennah


Crownhill, Clearbrook and Torrington wards, Cardiothoracics 


Theatre Matrons


image of matron jenny pitt, smiling

Jenni Pitt

Obstetrics and gynaecology, orthopaedics and REI

Katy Griffiths

Katy Griffiths

Freedom theatres, Bigbury Orthopaedic Surgical Suite, Childrens theatres, Anaesthetic Practitioners

image of matron sue

Sue Pendelton

Cath labs and level 6 recovery, Neuro, General, Vascular and Emergency Theatres, Theatres 14 & 15 Plastics and Maxillofacial

Medicine Matrons


matron, michelle

Michelle Gallie

Diabetes and Endocrinology

Lyd, Meavy, Acute Frailty Unit, Diabetes, Virtual Ward

Juliette Richardson

Juliet Richardson 

Healthcare of the Elderly

Marlborough, Meldon, Monkswell and Stannon wards and Falls Team

image of Matron Mike

Mike Lynn


Hexworthy, Honeyford, and Hartor wards and Chest Clinic

image of Matron Sharon

Sharon Raymond 

Oncology, Haematology and Immunology

Bracken, Brent, Birch Day Case, Fal ward, Chemotherapy Day Case, Oncology Outpatient Department (OPD) and Eden Unit

Kate Gardener

Kate Gardner

Stroke and Neurology

Merrivale Ward and Wembury Stroke Rehabilitation Unit

sophia, matron, smiling

Sophia Simmons


Braunton, Bickleigh, Torcross, Planned Investigation Unit (PIU), Cardiology Outpatients 

Iain yearling

Iain Yearling

Acute Medicine

Medical Assessment Units (MAUs) Thrushel and Tavy, Medical Same Day Emeregency Care (SDEC)

no picture available


Vicky Carter

Emergency Department

Emergency Department and Paediatrics

matron, theresia

Theresia Makatile

Renal, Hepatology and Plymouth Dialysis Unit (PDU)

Shipley, Mayflower, Dialysis and Renal Transplant Team

matron, donna

Donna Rutherford

Endocopy and Gastroenterology

Norfolk ward and Endoscopy

no picture available

Vicky Deery

Mount Gould Discharge Assessment Unit (DAU)

Saltram and Lopes wards

no picture available

Kristi Van Rosenveld

General Internal Medicine (GIM)

Burrator, Hembury, Moorgate

teresa, matron, smiling

Teresa Northmore-Beer

Mount Gould

Skylark and Kingfisher wards

no picture available

Diana Green

South Hams Community Hospital

South Hams Community Ward

no picture available

Helen Gregory

Tavistock Community Hospital

Tavistock Ward

Nigel Booth

Nigel Booth

Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) and Minor Injury Units (MIUs)

Emergency Department Minors, Cumberland UTC, Tavistock and Kingsbridge MIUs


Women's and Children's Matrons


image of Matron Clara

Clara Southby

Maternity - Community and Outpatient

Women's Day Services and Community

awaiting image

Charlotte Evans

Maternity - Inpatient Services

Central Delivery Suite (CDS) and Argyll Ward

matron emma collins

Emma Collins

Gynaecology, Sexual Health and Breast

Gynaecology outpatients, the Ocean Suite, Primrose Breast Care Centre and SHiP (Sexual Health in Plymouth)

Katie Hoffman

Katie Hoffman

Neonatal Unit, Transitional Care and Neonatal Outreach

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Transitional Care Ward (TCW)

no picture available

Louise Cork

Acute Paediatrics

Woodcock and Wildgoose wards, Children's Assessment Unit, Children's High Dependency Unit


Contact your matron

Meet the matron

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory


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