Have our staff gone the extra mile?
Say “Thank You” and help us ‘Learn from Excellence’
Would you like to thank a member of staff that has gone the extra mile? Want to recognise a colleague for their exceptional work?
By completing this online 'thank you' form, the staff member(s) nominated will receive a copy of what you have written in a card. This means that the staff will get private and timely feedback that genuinely describes what they did well, what went well as a result and what we can learn from it. You, as the nominator, can choose to include your name or not.
Please note that due to the administrative process, a member of the Learning from Excellence team will see your message. If you would rather your details are not shared with the team, please choose the anonymous option on the form.
We know from feedback that getting a personal card makes staff who receive them feel appreciated and we have already taken steps to make changes to the way we do things based on the nominations that we have had.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the LfE team via email (plh-tr.learningfromexcellence@nhs.net).
Thank you for taking the time to “Say Thank You and Learn from Excellence”.