Make a complaint
The Complaints team can register your concerns formally and share them with the service line area responsible for your care, who will then carry out an investigation. You may be contacted by the investigating manager to discuss your concerns and to agree the best way in which to answer them.
Read more about our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
If you wish to make a formal complaint please do so as soon as possible after the event. Please write to:
Complaints Department
Patient Services, Level 7
Derriford Hospital
Or you can email your complaint to:
The NHS and Social Care Complaints Procedure has two stages:
Local resolution
We will acknowledge formal complaints within three working days and a full investigation will be carried out. We have an obligation, under the NHS and Social Care Complaints Procedure to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Our aim is to respond within twenty five working days but this will depend on the complexity of the complaint and may take longer. We will keep you informed if for any reason we need more time to complete our investigation.
Health Service Ombudsman
If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of local resolution you have the right to proceed to the second and final stage of the NHS and Social Care Complaints Procedure by requesting a review of your complaint by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. Find out more at the Health Service Ombudsman
Complaint Support
The Advocacy People is a free, independent advocacy service that can help you make a complaint about any aspect of your NHS care or treatment.
Their contact details are:
Tel: 0300 440 9000
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