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A tremor is an uncontrollable, regular shaking movement that affects a part of the body, usually the hand. Many people think that everyone with Parkinson’s has a tremor, but this is not the case.

There is no cure for tremor, but there are many ways to manage it.

All involuntary movements, including tremor, are worsened by emotional or physical stress, anxiety, fatigue, and illness. Therefore, a tremor may be more obvious when your patient with Parkinson’s is resting, when their medication is wearing off, when excited, or when they get worried, particularly when being in an acute hospital environment.

Many people find that complementary therapies which promote relaxation and reduce stress help them. Exercise may also help to boost energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve wellbeing. Changes to diet may also be beneficial.

Stimulants such as caffeine, coffee, chocolates also worsen tremor, so it is a good idea to watch how much of these are consume. Alcohol withdrawal can also cause tremor.

How to support People with Parkinson’s

  • Try to help your patient avoid stress as it can make a tremor worse.
  • Make sure your patient can take their medication on time
  • Check if your patient has a Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) device in situ, if so, support your patient to manage it. If you have any concerns, contact the Parkinson’s Specialist Team.

Information from Parkinson’s UK (2023) and Parkinson’s Europe (2023)

Further information about Tremors

Parkinson’s UK, Tremor information

Parkinson’s Europe, Tremor information

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