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Warm up to Winter with Beryl Bikes

It’s no secret that fewer daylight hours and colder weather contributes to heightened feelings of low mood, a condition termed Seasonal Affective Disorder. Amongst some of the treatments discussed, the NHS website suggests regular exercise as an effective way to ease symptoms of mild depression experienced by sufferers of SAD.

Why not use your commute as an opportunity to squeeze in those 150 minutes of exercise each week? UHP’s Beryl Bikes allow riders to buy minute bundles for an electrically assisted ride to work- read more about our Beryl Bike installation here.

As we approach winter, the Sustainability Team and Beryl are well aware that the prospect of cycling to and from work becomes less attractive, despite the numerous physical, psychological and environmental benefits. However, Beryl’s Warm up to Winter campaign aims to encourage riders to continue using the bikes whilst staying safe. We want riders to embrace winter, feel confident riding in different weather conditions, whilst staying safe.

Beryl has produced a safety quiz which aims to provide tips on braving the weather and cycling to work, you can take the quiz here.  Here’s the exciting bit- complete the Beryl winter safety quiz this month and get 20% off Minute Bundles

Exercise, discounts, and less pollution, what’s not to love?

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