Dr J Denson
Consultant histopathologist and cytopathologist
Qualifications: BSc, MB;BS, RFCPath
General information:
Dr Denson gained her medical degree from St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Schools of Medicine and Dentistry in 2001. She commenced her histopathology training in 2003 in Cardiff. After an inter-deanery transfer to the South West Peninsula, Dr Denson completed her training in 2009 and commenced as a consultant histopathologist at Derriford Hospital.
General areas of expertise:
Gastro-intestinal pathology
Particular areas of expertise:
Medical liver, pancreatic and hepatobiliary pathology.
Contact Details:
Dr Jemimah Denson
Consultant Histopathologist
Derriford Hospital
Plymouth, Devon
Telephone: 01752 432662