Dr E Drake
Consultant Anaesthetist
General information:
Dr Drake graduated in medicine from Southampton University in 1998. She has worked in many parts of the country and completed her anaesthetic training in the Oxford region, gaining the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in 2003. Dr Drake was appointed a Consultant Anaesthetist in Derriford Hospital in 2008.
Qualifications: BM, FRCA, M Clin Ed, FHEA.
General areas of expertise:
- General anaesthesia
- Obstetric anaesthesia
- Education
Particular areas of expertise:
Dr Drake has significant expertise in obstetric anaesthesia following an obstetric anaesthesia and research fellowship at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada during 2006.
Dr Drake has a very strong interest in post and undergraduate education. She has completed her Masters in Clinical Education (2013) and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has teaching commitments in both Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry and Plymouth University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. She also undertakes clinical supervision and teaches on postgraduate courses.