Dr C Gutteridge

Image of Dr C Gutteridge Consultant Radiologist

General information:
Dr Gutteridge graduated from Birmingham University in 1995. She worked briefly in the midlands before coming to the Southwest in 1997 to join a Medical SHO rotation. After obtaining MRCP, she joined the Southwest Peninsula radiology training scheme gaining FRCR in 2003 before becoming a Consultant Radiologist at Derriford in October 2005.

General areas of expertise:

  • General radiology, especially ultrasound and uroradiology.

Particular areas of expertise:

  • Dr Gutteridge is currently the lead clinician for non-obstetric Ultrasound, and is a core member of the urology and thyroid MDTs.

Contact details:
X-Ray West, Level 6
Derriford Hospital

Secretary: 01752 432015

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