Miss Shehrazad Halawa

Qualifications:  MBChB, BSc (hons), MRCOG, DFSRH cert


General information:

Miss Halawa has spent a significant amount of her life in the southwest. She was born in Exeter, lived for a time in Plymouth, and went to university in Bristol.  She completed the majority of my training in the SouthWest. 

She has been a consultant since 2014, having developed interests in high risk obstetrics, and fetal medicine.

She is passionate about women’s health, and mental health in particular, and is currently the lead for fetal medicine, pre-term labour and perinatal mental health within the trust.


General areas of expertise:

General obstetrics and gynaecology     

Maternal medicine

High risk ante-natal care


Particular areas of expertise:

Fetal medicine

Perinatal mental health

Pre-term labour


Contact details:

Secretary: 01752 432628

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