Dr R Noad

Dr R Noad Consultant Neuropsychologist

General information:
Dr Rupert Noad is a Consultant Neuropsychologist and Head of Neuropsychology and Clinical Health Psychology at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth. He completed the Oxford Doctoral Clinical Psychology training course in 2002 before undertaking post-qualification training in Neuropsychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College, London.

General areas of expertise:
Clinical Psychology    
Early Onset Dementia
Huntington’s Disease
Motor Neuron Disease
Awake Craniotomy

Particular areas of expertise:
Dr Noad has a clinical interest in early onset dementia and research interests in the field of cognitive assessment and early detection of dementia. He also conducts clinical trials as part of DeNDRoN and is currently the lead for ENROLL-HD, a cohort study of individuals with Huntington's disease. Dr Noad is co-lead of NeuroCoRe (Neuro Cognitive Research), which is a research group based within the Clinical Neurology Research group at Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry. He has co-led the development of ACEmobile, a new iPad based version of the Addenbrooks Cognitive Examination (www.acemobile.org).

Contact Details:
Department of Neuropsychology
Level 7
Derriford Hospital

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