Dr Tim Nutbeam

Head and shoulder shot of Tim NutbeamConsultant in Emergency Medicine and Prehospital Emergency Medicine 

Professor of Emergency Medicine and Post-Collision Care

Tim has been a consultant at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust since 2013. He works in the Emergency Department, where he has responsibility for Major Trauma and Resuscitation. Tim is the education lead for the Peninsula Trauma Network and leads The PTN, a free and open-access resource aimed at optimising accessible trauma education.

In addition to his work at the hospital, Tim is a consultant in prehospital emergency medicine, working with the Devon Air Ambulance. 

Tim is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Post-Collision Care at the University of Plymouth. He has responsibility for the Emergency Medicine Academic Clinical Fellows and oversees IMPACT: The Centre for Post-Collision Research, Innovation, and Translation. IMPACT focuses on improving post-collision outcomes through research, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and practical innovations, driving improvements in care for trauma patients at every stage of their journey.



General areas of expertise:

  • Resuscitation

  • Trauma

  • Prehospital care

  • Sepsis

Particular areas of expertise:

Post-collision care

Contact Details:


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