Patient electronic letters

We are changing the way we correspond with patients to make it more efficient and more environmentally friendly. We can now send our patient letters electronically through the NHS app or to your email address.

From XXX of February 2025, you will receive our letter in the following way:

  1. If you have already registered as our patient with Patient Knows Best through the NHS app, you will receive a notification on the app when a new letter is available for you to read. Please make sure you have not turned off notifications for the NHS app. Letters sent to you this way will be stored within the app and you can re-read them at any time on the "Messages" section of the NHS app.
  2. If you are not registered with Patient Knows best, but we hold an email address for you, we will send your correspondence via email.
  3. If you are not registered with Patient Knows Best or haven't given us an email address, we will continue to send correspondence via Royal Mail.

If you are not sure which of the above groups you fall under, please enter your NHS number below and we will let you know if you are registered with Patient Knows Best or we have any email addresses linked to you. You can find your NHS number at the top of any patient letter (from us or your GP) or in the text message we sent you to notify you of this change.

Please note that if you have requested to change to a different method of communication, this form might take up to 2 working days to update.




If you would like to change the way we communicate with you to any of the other available options, or update your email address, please fill in this form. You will need your NHS number.



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