Plymouth Dialysis Unit
Plymouth Dialysis Unit offers both haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis to patients living in Plymouth, East Cornwall, North and South Devon. The unit, based in Eaton Business Park Plymouth, has free parking for patients.
The unit also offers a range of home therapies such as CAPD, APD, assisted APD and home haemodialysis. Training is provided on the unit by specialist staff.
The open plan unit has 31 haemodialysis stations. This includes four single rooms available for patients requiring haemodialysis and who need to be isolated for medical reasons. Each station has a ceiling-mounted television.
Holiday haemodialysis is available to visitors to the south west region. Appointments are available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday twilight and need to be booked in advance. Contact Holiday Dialysis Co-ordinator or 01752 431700