Youngs, Dr Paul

Consultant Anaesthetist

General information:
Dr Youngs has been a Consultant Anaesthetist in Plymouth since 2002. He graduated from Southampton University medical School in 1989, trained in the South and South West of England, with a year in Toronto, Canada as a fellow in obstetric anaesthesia

Dr Youngs is an honorary lecturer at the Peninsula medical school of Plymouth University, teaching clinical skills and anaesthesia to senior students.

General areas of expertise:

  • General and regional anaesthesia for a wide range of operations
  • Anaesthesia for neurosurgery
  • Anaesthesia for eye operations

Particular areas of expertise:
Obstetric Anaesthesia: Dr Youngs lead the obstetric anaesthesia service for 5 years, introducing patient controlled epidurals and setting up an Obstetric Anaesthetic Clinic to help plan the safe care of pregnant women.

Teaching skills and teamwork to multidisciplinary groups

Contact details:
Anaesthetic Department
Level 9
Terrence Lewis Building
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Derriford Road

01752 439203/439205

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