EDI Reports and Legal Frameworks

Explore our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) reports and legal frameworks. For read aloud option, please use microsoft edge.

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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion reports

We produce a variety of reports to support our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI)


Equality Delivery System (EDS)

Equality Delivery System Report 2023.pdf [pdf] 2MB 

The EDS is designed to enable NHS organisations to gather information and evidence that provides insight into how inclusive their services and workplaces are. This gives consideration to all patients and colleagues including those who identify with protected characteristics. 

The process supports organisations to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) to publish information as well as specific and measurable equality objectives. UHP use the EDS to assess and score UHP’s equality performance which enables UHP to demonstrate compliance with the PSED.

If you need any information please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team at plh-tr.equalitydiversityandinclusion@nhs.net.


Workforce Race Equality Standard Report

As part of the Trust's commitment to promoting equality we have implemented the Workforce Race Equality Standard.  

WRES Report 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

WRES Report 2022.pdf [pdf] 1MB

WRES Report 2020 (Published 2021).pdf [pdf] 499KB

Improving race equality infographic 2020 [pdf] 806KB

WRES 2020 Infographic [pdf] 216KB


Workforce Disability Equality Standard

As part of the Trust's commitment to promoting equality we have implemented the Workforce Disability Equality Standard. 

WDES Report 2023.pdf [pdf] 1MB

WDES Report 2022.pdf [pdf] 1MB

WDES Report 2020 (published 2021).pdf [pdf] 442KB

WDES 2020 Infographic [pdf] 195KB


Gender Pay Gap 

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023.pdf [pdf] 627KB

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022.pdf [pdf] 398KB

Gender Pay Gap Report 2021.pdf [pdf] 285KB

Gender Pay Gap Report 2020.pdf [pdf] 269KB

Gender Pay Gap Report 2019.docx [docx] 107KB 

Gender Pay Gap Report 2018.docx [docx] 32KB 

Gender Pay Gap Report 2017.pdf [pdf] 301KB


Further Information

Understanding Disability Infographic

Gender in the NHS

Local Population information for Plymouth.pdf[pdf] 85KB

City life, Data about Plymouth


Equality Delivery System

The Equality Delivery System (EDS) helps NHS Trusts improve their services for their local communities, consider health inequalities in their region and intends to provide better working environments free from discrimination. Learn more about the Equality Delivery System.

We are in the process of finalising our 2023 EDS report. If you need any information please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team at plh-tr.equalitydiversityandinclusion@nhs.net.

Read our Equality Delivery System 2023 report.docx [docx] 17MB


Legal Framework and Public Sector Duty

Our inclusion agenda recognises that everyone matters as well as understanding that there are times when people, particularly those from protected groups*, may face unfairness and discrimination. We have a moral responsibility to work in a way that creates fairness as well as a legal and public sector duty which we take very seriously. 

We take our responsibilities in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010 seriously at University Hospitals Plymouth (UHP).

Organisations are required to publish their equality objectives by the 31st of March each year. UHP's 2021 objectives remain ongoing and we are in the process of reviewing our strategy which will enable us to set out actions and objectives to take us forward in our inclusion improvement journey.

Please also see our action plans within our Workforce Equality Standards along the righthand side of this page. If you would like to discuss this further or have any queries please contact us at plh-tr.equalitydiversityandinclusion@nhs.net.


Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.  The Act replaced previous anti-discrimination laws including the Race Relations Act 1976, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.  A single Act makes the law easier to understand and strengthens protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.

Find out more about descrimination and your rights


Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)

Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 requires public authorities to have due regard to the need to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
  • Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

The legislation acknowledges that in some circumstances, compliance with the PSED may involve treating some persons more favourably than others, but not where this would be prohibited by other provisions of the Act.

Key steps to consider based on Brown’s principles (www.gov.uk):

  • Understanding and awareness of the duties
  • Inequalities taken into account before and whilst decision is being considered
  • Sound evidence and information underpins decision making
  • Duty is considered continuously throughout the decision-making process

* Protected groups as defined by the Equality Act 2010 - age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation.

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