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Marie Curie HCAs support end of life patients in UHP’s Emergency Department

Group shot of the end of life HCAs and practitioners

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) now has Marie Curie healthcare assistants (HCAs) working in the Emergency Department (ED).

A team of healthcare assistants (HCAs) from the UKs leading end of life charity, Marie Curie, are now working in the Emergency Department to provide supportive clinical care, emotional support, and a listening ear to ensure that patients are not alone at end of life.

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UHP celebrates its vital hidden workforce

The backs of three women wearing orange tops with volunteer written on them, walking down a clinical corridor

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust (UHP) is proud to celebrate Volunteers Week, recognizing the invaluable contributions of our dedicated volunteers who selflessly support our healthcare services. From June 3 to June 9, we join thousands of charities and voluntary organisations in national celebration to acknowledge the remarkable impact that volunteers have on communities across the UK.

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