South West Liver Buddies

Patient participation group zoom photo                                                        

Who are the South West Liver Buddies? 

They are an active liver patient support group working alongside the liver team at Derriford Hospital, to help further develop the services offered by the South West Liver Unit (SWLU). Their aim is to offer friendship and support to liver patients at every step of their journey with liver disease. They also welcome patients’ friends and family members who assist in their care. 


What links are there with the hospital? 

The group promotes regular updates from the SWLU regarding current hepatology matters and issues, including responses to patients’ questions and concerns. It provides a ‘patient voice’ for the SWLU, enabling patients to give feedback to the unit and contribute to the development of its services and research priorities. 


How can the group help me? 

Members of the South West Liver Buddies facebook group encourage and support each other while also sharing experiences, useful information and compassion in a private group space. They host regular online sessions on Zoom for members to chat, ask questions and get to know one another. Liver Buddies often meet up for a chat after hospital appointments and visit patients on the liver ward at Derriford Hospital. They also enjoy meeting up socially for walks and fundraising whenever possible. 


How do I join? 

You can join the online support group by searching for ‘South West Liver Unit and the South West Liver Buddies’ on facebook. You can also get in touch by email at 

For more information visit:




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