A Focus on Falls starts with Prevention

Falls are the number one reason older people are taken to emergency departments in the UK, with 5% of cases causing a fracture and hospitalisation (NHS England). If a person who is frail goes on to fracture a wrist, hip or vertebra, there is a real risk that they may never recover the same level of independence again.

A focus on falls starts with prevention. The Falls Management Exercise (FaME) classes are led by specialist exercise professionals in Livewell’s Falls Prevention Team. The team guide small groups through a six-month personalised programme that is informed by research evidence in the reduction of falls.

The programme acts as a preventative measure to reduce the likelihood and potential injury of a fall and importantly helps make everyday activities easier, so participants can keep on doing the things they enjoy.

Classes focus on improving an older person’s strength, balance, flexibility, endurance and ability to cope following a fall, including teaching how to rise from the floor.

As well as focusing on strength and balance, FaME is also about rebuilding confidence. The fear of falling can be as debilitating as a fall, with avoidance of day-to-day activities having a detrimental effect on quality of life and general health over time.

What have been the benefits of FaME?

The FaME programme has supported 115 participants, with 85 completing the 24-week programme so far.

On average, participants self-reported 1.9 falls in the year before participating in the FaME programme. The average number of falls through participation was <0.1. Of the five falls that were reported, most were able to get up independently (using a backward-chaining technique) and none required medical attention.

Participants demonstrate improved confidence through the programme, with the number of participants with high fear of falling reducing by half.

Other achievements of the programme include:

  • 65% of participants achieved <12 seconds on the Timed Up and Go test, indicative of a low risk of falling
  • 31% of participants saw an improvement in Clinical Frailty Score
  • Increased physical activity outside of the classes
  • Ability to backward chain, which helps to prevent a long-lie following a fall
  • 59% demonstrated improvements in muscle strength
  • 57% demonstrated improvements in balance
  • 58% of participants reported improvements in self-rated health

What are the participants saying about FaME?

Sue “I had a fall in my garden and I was able to get up off the ground myself, whereas before it would have took me ages or actually I’d have to call for someone so it’s been brilliant.”






David “I’m a lot more confident and you feel that you can go out and walk again. It’s improved my stability on my feet.”







Who is suitable for FaME?

The classes are open to anyone over the age of 55 who:

  • live in Plymouth/has a Plymouth GP
  • has fallen in the past 12 months
  • feels concerned about their balance
  • is fearful of falling

Referrals can be made on the Falls Prevention Team referral form, which is available on SystmOne or email.

Potential participants can also self-refer by calling us for a conversation on 01752 437177.

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