Display Patient Information Leaflets

Buckle (Torus) Fractures of The Wrist

Date issued: December 2022

Review date: December 2024

Ref: A-536/NB/ED/Buckle (Torus) Fractures of The Wrist

PDF:  Buckle (Torus) Fractures of The Wrist final December 2022.pdf [pdf] 110KB

Your child has a minor break of one of the wrist bones (radius or ulna). A broken bone may also be referred to as cracked or fractured, these terms mean the same thing.

  • The fracture is a special sort of fracture called a buckle or torus fracture. This is a minor fracture which only occurs in children.

  • These fractures usually heal quickly by themselves.

Why does the arm need to be in a splint?

  • The splint is not a specific treatment for the broken bone, but it is used to reduce pain.

How long must the arm be in a splint?

  • The arm can be in a splint for up to 3 weeks.

  • The splint can be worn at night.

  • Sometimes these fractures settle down more quickly and if it isn’t too sore it is fine for them to start taking the splint off sooner. Start by taking it off for short periods of time, and at night, and go from there.

  • The splint can be removed for washing and dressing.

Arm exercises

  • Arms exercises are very important. Your child should be encouraged to move their elbow, hand, and fingers as soon as they can.

  • The wrist splint can be removed from day 1 to allow the child to move the wrist for a couple of minutes. It should then be reapplied.

What if my child will not keep the splint on all the time?

  • Some younger children will not keep their splint on, don’t worry. They can use their arm as much as their pain allows and will limit themselves.

  • Rough play should be avoided.

What can I expect?

  • The injury can be painful at first, but the pain should settle within a few days. Painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen should be given. Please ask the doctor or nurse if you are not sure of the dose.

  • For the first few days, the skin over the fracture site may well be bruised and this will settle down on its own over the first week.

  • A lump will develop over the fracture site which will be tender to start with. Later this lump will become hard and painless as new bone starts to form as part of the healing process. This lump may persist for months but should eventually get smaller (especially in younger children).

When should I seek further medical attention?

  • If pain needing painkillers persists after a week you should arrange for the child to be seen in the local Emergency Department (ED) or fracture clinic.

  • If there is increasing deformity (the wrist looks more bent out of shape) you should arrange for the child to be seen in the local Emergency Department (ED).

  • If the skin appears to be breaking down or you are concerned about it, please seek advice from either your GP or local Emergency Department (ED).

Are there any other important points?

  • Your child can go to school but should wear the splint as directed above.

  • Your child should not take part in any PE, sport, or rough activities for 6 weeks.

  • Nearly all of these fractures heal very well by themselves and do not require further follow up.

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