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Coping Cat/ CAT project

Date issued: June 2023

Review date: June 2025

Ref: C-532/EL/Clinical Psychology/Coping Cat/ CAT project

PDF:  Coping Cat CAT project final June 2023.pdf [pdf] 163KB

General overview of interventions

  • All CWP interventions are based on CBT. They usually last between 6-8 sessions and progress continues after the end of intervention, especially when new ideas and skills are practised at home

  • The sessions can be with your child and/or you, face to face or via video and/or telephone call

  • Attending regular sessions is important for change

What is Coping Cat / CAT project?

  • Coping Cat (children) / CAT project (adolescents) is used to support children and young people who may be experiencing panic, generalised anxiety, separation anxiety and phobias

  • The goal of this intervention is learning how to recognise the signs of unwanted anxious arousal and to let these signs serve as cues for the use of anxiety management strategies

What we do together in sessions

  • Learn about recognising signs of when we are anxious

  • Learn about anxious thoughts and the impact they have on our feelings and behaviours

  • Use these signs as cues for the use of coping strategies

  • Learn and practice different coping strategies e.g. breathing exercises, mindfulness skills and positive self-talk

  • Make a “FEAR plan” to use when we are feeling anxious

How can you help at home?

  • As with all our interventions, it is really important that the young person practices the suggested techniques at home. As a parent or carer, it would be great if you helped facilitate these tasks

  • Encouraging your child to complete their home tasks

  • Provide gentle (but not pressured) reminders of the tasks that were agreed in session and practicing coping strategies when things are calm and settled. Making it a positive experience will motivate learning and support progress

  • Model the behaviours you would like to see, such as using attitudes and actions discussed in sessions

  • Although we understand it can be very tempting, it is really important not to ‘rush’. Please try to stick to the agreed tasks made in the session. If your child then chooses to do more, that is fantastic!

  • Celebrate your young person’s attempts and successes, no matter how big or small. It is ok if the task is not completed, it is more important to just give it a go!

  • Remember it is a journey for the young person and with you beside them, they can achieve great things!

Suggested self-help resources

  • Visit our website at www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/anxiety-resources

  • Then scroll down to check out our new anxiety Padlet for lots of videos and further information about anxiety

  • Alternatively, you can scan this QR code to take you straight to our Padlet!

If you have any questions regarding this intervention or the CWP sessions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your Wellbeing Practitioner!

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