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Eye Exercises

Date issued: November 2023

Review date: November 2025

Ref: C-419/SP/REI/Eye exercises v2

PDF:  Exercises final November 2023 v2.pdf [pdf] 221KB

Why do I need exercises?

Exercises can be done for a few different eye conditions; these can be done when there is a reduction of:

  • Convergence (ability for your eyes to move inwards as a pair)

  • Accommodation (focussing ability)

  • Control of eye movements (ability to keep your eyes in a straight position) 

A thorough assessment will be done by an orthoptist to assess what condition is present and what exercises are most appropriate.

Smooth and Jump convergence and accommodation exercises can be given. This can be done using a pen or dot card. There are also stereogram exercises which help the control of your eyes. This can be supplied by your orthoptist1.

How long should I be doing my exercises?

Exercises should be done at least 3 times a day for approximately 2-5 minutes, ensuring to maintain single and clear vision for approximately 30 seconds at a time when doing the exercises. However, it is important to relax your eyes after these exercises, for example to look in the distance or close your eyes to avoid any overexertion2.

Benefits of Exercises

The benefits of exercises can include alleviation of:

  • Headaches.

  • Blurred vision.

  • Double vision.

However, there are times that exercises don’t improve symptoms where then other options such as prisms or surgery can be discussed with your orthoptist depending on the specific condition present.

For help or advice, contact:

Orthoptic Department: 01752 439319

For further Orthoptic information:


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