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Hand/Forearm Fractures

Date issued: March 2019

For review: March 2021

Ref: A-405/MY/Physiotherapy/Hand/Forearm Fractures

PDF:  hand forearm fracture [pdf] 362KB

Hand Anatomy

  • The skeleton of the hand is made up of 27 bones
  • There are 8 ‘carpal bones’ in the wrist
  • There are 5 ‘metacarpal bones’ that end at the knuckles
  • The ‘phalanges’ are the bones of the fingers and thumb

Forearm Anatomy

  • There are two bones in your forearm: the Radius and Ulna
  • The radius is on the same side as the thumb


  • The bones in the forearm can often be injured as a result of a fall or other high impact onto the area
  • The hand and wrist can be injured due to a ‘crush injury’


Treatment and management:

The treatment following your fracture depends on which bone of the hand/forearm has been broken and how severe the fracture is. An x-ray will be carried out to check this


For a minor fracture

  • A ‘splint’ (which can be taken off) or a plaster will be applied to your hand/forearm. You may need to wait a few days to allow the swelling to go down
  • You may be given a sling to support your arm and reduce swelling.  You will be given pain killers and advice on your sling/splint
  • You may need to attend follow up appointments (Fracture Clinic) to check how your fracture is healing


For a more complex/serious fracture

  • A doctor may need to manually re-align the fracture a procedure called a reduction. This will be performed with adequate pain relief
  • Surgery may be needed to re-align the bones. This often involves fixing the broken bone back in position with metalwork
  • You will be fitted with a plaster cast and will be asked to attend follow up appointments to check how your fracture is healing

Daily activities

You may find certain activities difficult due to pain, or reduced mobility.  The Occupational Therapist and physiotherapist can support you by assessing you for equipment to make tasks easier and to promote your independence whilst recovering. 


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