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Healthy snack and meal ideas

Date issued: November 2022

Review date: November 2024

Ref: C-512/LF/Dietetics/Healthy snack and meal ideas

PDF:  Healthy snack and meal ideas final November 2022.pdf [pdf] 231KB

You have been given this leaflet to provide some healthy snack swaps and meal ideas.

A healthy diet and active lifestyle can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight.

If you are overweight or obese you may have a higher risk of developing health problems such as:

  • Diabetes

  • High blood pressure

  • Breathing problems

  • Heart problems

  • Problems affecting your mobility

It is best to lose weight slowly and steadily which you can do by following a healthy diet and becoming more active.

You could aim to do 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days a week. If you are not very active, start slowly and build up. Exercise can include any activity you enjoy such as:

  • Fast walking or jogging, try walking instead of using the car or get off the bus one stop earlier

  • Dancing

  • Swimming

  • Badminton or tennis

  • Use stairs instead of lifts

What does Healthy Eating look like?

Healthy eating means different things for different people. For the general population, the Eatwell guide can show you to portion your meals. 


Download leaflet for more food information


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