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Lid Hygiene

Date issued: January 2023

Review date: January 2025

Ref: C-517/MS/Ophthalmology/Lid Hygiene

PDF:  Lid Hygiene final January 2023.pdf [pdf] 327KB

What is lid hygiene?


An important treatment in eyelid and tear-film disorders is good eye care. This is also known as “lid hygiene”.

The aim of lid hygiene is to:

  • Help unblock the eyelid glands

  • Remove flakes or bacteria

  • Encourage healthy tears to lubricate the eye It is recommended to perform this twice a day with clean hands.

What you will need

  • A flannel or washcloth

  • 2 cotton buds (Small cotton pads can be used as an alternative if you feel unsteady or uneasy with a cotton bud)

  • A bowl of cooled boiled water

Step 1: Wash your hands

Step 2: Warm compress over eyelids

Soak the flannel in cool boiled water

Wring it dry and ensure it is not too hot to touch.

Close your eyes.

Gently press the warm flannel over both eyes for 3 minutes.

You may need to re-soak the flannel and reapply to ensure warmth of the flannel is maintained.

This step will help soften any oil secretions within the eyelid gland.

Step 3: Massage eyelids

Massage the eyelids with your index finger, towards the eyelashes.

With the upper eyelid, massage with a down- ward motion towards the eyelashes.

With the lower eyelid, massage with an upward motion towards the eye- lashes.

This will encourage the oil to squeeze out of the eyelid glands.

Step 4: Clean the edges of the lower eyelid


Dampen a cotton bud with water and gently clean the edges of the eyelid.

You will need to tilt the eyelid away from the eye with a finger to do this.

This aims to remove crust, flakes and excess oils.

A pre-prepared eyelid wipe can be used as an alternative to a cotton bud (these are available in our dispensing department)

Step 5: Clean the edges of the upper eyelid


Now use the same technique on the upper eyelid edge.

You will need to look down and lift the upper lid up away from the eye.

Take care to avoid touching the eyeball

Step 6: Eye drops or ointments


Your doctor may have prescribed some drops or ointment in addition to lid hygiene advice.

Pull down your lower eyelid and look up to administer drops, now that the eyelids have been cleaned.

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