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Meibomian Cyst

Date issued: September 2023 

Review date: September 2025 

Ref: A-588/MS/Ophthalmology/Meibomian Cyst

PDF:  Meibomian Cyst final September 2023.pdf [pdf] 97KB

What is a chalazion?

A chalazion is a swelling in the eyelid caused by a blocked oil gland. Inflammation of the eye lid known as Blepharitis, can cause the openings of the oil glands on the edge of the eyelid to become blocked, producing a lump called a chalazion (also commonly known as a Meibomian Cyst). As the oil glands are important in producing tears, Blepharitis and Chalazion are often associated with dry eyes. You may also find that your eyes feel itchy or crusty, especially in the mornings. A chalazion is normally harmless, however in rare cases it may be big enough to cause obstruction of the vision.

What are the available medical treatments?

In most cases a chalazion will respond well to medical treatment without any need for surgery.

  • Warm compresses, soak a flannel in hot water, ring out any excess water and apply it to the affected eyelid for several minutes twice a day. You can also massage the lumps while you are doing this.

  • Eye lid massage, massage the edge of the eyelids to help unblock the oil glands, work downwards for the upper lid and upwards for the lower lid.

  • Antibiotics, if a chalazion becomes infected it may need treatment with localised antibiotic and/or oral antibiotic.

Surgical treatments

If a chalazion does not resolve with medical treatment, then minor surgery might be needed to help drain the lump. Commissioner requirements specify that you must have a chalazion for 6 months or more before surgery is undertaken.

Surgery is done on the minor operations list as a day case procedure. You should continue with warm compresses and eye massage treatment until the day of surgery.

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