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Paronychia (Nail Fold Infection)

Date issued: December 2022 

Review date: December 2024

Ref: A-545/NB/ED/Paronychia (Nail Fold Infection)

PDF:  Paronychia (Nail Fold Infection) final December 2022.pdf [pdf] 115KB

A paronychia is an infection of the skin which is just next to the nail.      

What are the symptoms?

  • The infected nail fold looks swollen, inflamed and can be tender.

  • Pus may form under the skin next to the nail.

  • The nail itself may become infected or damaged if left untreated.

What causes a nail-fold infection?

  • Many nail-fold infections happen for no apparent reason but nail biting, poor manicure, damaged or diseased nail-folds all contribute to infections.

What is the treatment?

  • Sometimes a small cut is made in the skin to allow the pus to drain.

  • Sometimes the nail needs to be removed. A new nail will re-grow.

  • For bacterial infections, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed.

What can I do to prevent it happening again?

  • Do not bite your nails or ‘pick’ at the skin next to the nails.

  • Keep your hands and feet as dry as possible. Dry well after washing.

  • Wear rubber gloves lined with cotton if you work a lot with water.

  • Avoid wearing gloves or artificial nails for long periods.

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