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Post op care letter skin biopsy

Date issued: October 2021

Review date: October 2023

Ref: A306 v2

PDF:  Post Op care letter final October 2021 v2.pdf [pdf] 165KB


Patient advice after a skin biopsy

Date:                        Surgeon:

Operation:               Stitches:

After your operation you may have some swelling/bruising of the skin and discomfort. This will be at its most 24-48 hours after the operation and should reduce over the following few days.

Post-operative care


There should not be any bleeding after the biopsy as stitches were used to close the wound. If oozing from the site occurs, a gauze pack can be used to stop this. With clean hands fold two sheets of gauze in half and dampen with cold water and press firmly on the site for 20 minutes. If the wound does not stop bleeding after 20 minutes seek advice, as overleaf. A dressing may be placed over the surgery site. Please redress the site if advised using the dressing provided.


Once the numbness (local anaesthetic) wears off you may feel some tenderness where the biopsy was taken. This is normal and should settle within a few days. You may have been given some painkillers so please take these as prescribed. If you have not been given painkillers please take simple tablets such as Paracetamol. Please do NOT TAKE ASPIRIN as it can cause bleeding. If the wound becomes hot, swollen and painful seek advice as overleaf.


Stitches can be removed by your practice nurse...…days after they have been placed unless advised otherwise by your surgeon. Please wash your hands before applying medicaments recommended by your surgeon.  If your surgery was on the scalp or hairline please follow the advice given to you about hair washing and showering. If your stiches become loose or fall out seek advice as overleaf.


If antibiotics have been prescribed, please complete the course. It is important to do this even if you are feeling completely better halfway through the course.

Please note:

If you are on the contraceptive pill, the pill may not work as well when you are also taking antibiotics. To avoid pregnancy please take additional contraception precautions whilst taking the antibiotics (or if you have severe diarrhoea or vomiting) and for 7 days after stopping. If these 7 days run beyond the end of a packet – the next packet should be started immediately without a break.

Follow up appointment

If you have not been given a follow up appointment, we hope your recovery from treatment is problem free.

What to do if you have a problem

If a problem happens within two weeks of your biopsy please contact either:

  1. Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5.00 pm        

           The Maxillofacial Department on 01752 432983 or 432985

      2. Weekdays out of hours, weekends and public holidays 

           Lynher Ward on 01752 792274

If a problem happens after two weeks of your biopsy, please contact your GP or Dentist.

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