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Post-Operative Eye Care

Date issued:  October 2023

For review: October 2025

Ref: A-373/RL/Ophthalmology/Post-operative eye care v3

PDF:  Post op eye care final October 2023 v3.pdf [pdf] 262KB

D oʼs and Donʼts

Do not rub or poke your eye, protect it!

You have just had an eye operation which means that you have a cut on your eye. You should treat your eye gently to allow the cut to heal.

  • It is very easy to rub your eye accidentally after an operation as it may feel uncomfortable. To avoid this you should wear glasses for protection throughout the day (either dark glasses or your old glasses).

  • Place the eye shield over your operated eye at night (with sellotape or other sticky tape) for the first week.

  • Avoid sudden head movements and take special care when putting on your glasses so as not to poke your eye.

  • Do not get anything into your eye which might make you rub it e.g. shampoo, soap, makeup, tobacco smoke.

  • Do not swim or play sports for four weeks.

  • No eye makeup for at least four weeks.

  • No heavy lifting for at least one week.

How much may I use my eyes? 

After the operation you may use your eyes as much as is comfortable. Do not expect to see clearly, especially for reading, until you get new glasses.

Do I come back to the hospital?

Most patients do not need to be seen the next day. However you might be asked to return to the Pre-Assessment area for an eye examination the day after your operation to check that all is well.

You should also receive a follow up clinic appointment to see a nurse, optometrist or doctor within 7 weeks. You may be referred to your usual community optician/optometrist to make your own appointment.  A letter with a code unique to you will provided on discharge.

What to look out for

More painful

Blurred vision



When should I be able to drive?

Please do not drive for 10-14 days, and only if you can see the number plate at the correct distance (20 meters) and have good field of vision.

Cleansing your eyelid and lashes 

Y o u must not wash your eyes as you normally would when washing your face for the first week after your operation. Your eye does not need to be washed unless it becomes crusted or sticky. The eye drops you have been given sometimes leave a white crust on your lashes.  If your eye does need cleaning please follow these instructions:

  1. Use only freshly boiled and cooled water in a clean container.

  1. Moisten a clean folded tissue, cotton pad or gauze square by dipping it in water. D O NOT use cotton wool or cotton buds.

  1. Wipe gently across your closed eyelids from the inner to the outer corner of the eye and throw away the pad.

  1. Repeat this with a fresh pad until the eyelids feel clean.

  1. Throw away any unused water and dry the container for future use.

There should be no pain when you clean your eye

Putting in drops

  1. Wash and dry your hands.

  1. Invert the bottle gently twice’

  1. Sit or lie comfortably with your head resting back and your eyes looking up to the ceiling.

  1. Place the bottle between your thumb and middle (second) finger and rest your thumb nail on the bridge of your nose. (Opposite hand to eye is easier) with the nozzle pointing towards the eye.

  1. Squeeze the bottle between your thumb and second finger or tap the bottle base with your first finger until a drop falls into your eye (this may take a moment). It may be easier to use your left hand for right eye, right hand for left eye.

  1. Dab away from the cheek.

  1. Close the bottle and keep it in a cool place.

  1. Wash your hands again.

   Important: Your eye should not get more painful, blurred, red or sticky

If it does please contact the Royal Eye Infirmary immediately:

REI Daycase Unit 01752 439350

NHS 111

Administrator 01752 439350 

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